MON - FRI: 9:00 am - 5:30 pm


Social Compliance Audit

Social Compliance Audit

A lot of business proposals look extremely foolproof on paper and yet, they are not able to see the light of the day because of a lack of proper foresight for various kinds of risks and lacunae.

Our Social Compliance Audit works to iron out these unforeseeable risks and manage them much before they spell trouble. Inspections are conducted within factories and workshops to ensure that they comply with the socially acceptable norms, follow health and safety regulations, and abide by the labor and environmental laws. This audit has time and again proved extremely beneficial in not only building the brand’s image and respect for being in tune with the social norms, but also by identifying risks and saving immensely on fines, litigations, accidental incidents, and any failure in the internal control system.

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